
EU: COST Actions

Short description: COST funds interdisciplinary research networks called COST Actions. These Actions bring together researchers, innovators and other professionals including industry specialists, who are based in Europe and beyond, to collaborate on research topics for a period of 4 years. The funding a COST Action receives covers the expenses of networking activities rather than research. As such is used to organise and fund events, Short-term Scientific Missions, Training Schools, communication activities, and virtual networking tools. An estimated 125.000,00 Euro is made available for a COST Action in its first year and an average of 150.000,00 Euro per year for the other 3 years. • Deadline: 23.10.2024; 12 p.m. • Further information: https://www.cost.eu/funding/open-call-a-simple-one-step-application-process/

Quelle: Uni Leipzig, Dez. 1